About us…
Together with our daughters, Lisa & Iris, we form a 4-in-hand team in our Practice Time for Yourself Vlijmen, each with its own characteristics, specialism and qualities. Here we enjoy working together and the client is central. We are a Brabant family with the necessary hospitality that we like to propagate.
It is with great pleasure that we, Giovanni & Mariƫlle, are expanding our activities with a new adventure by providing the Wellness Massages at the Strandpark De Zeeuwse Kust in addition to the Wellness Massages that we have been giving for several years at Hotel Congress Center De Zeeuwse Stromen, both locations are located nearby the sea @Renesse
In both accommodations, two wonderfully relaxed rooms have been created, to experience the benefits of rest through a massage with refined oil and relaxing sounds. Really a Time for Yourself Moment!
You will relax, take a lovely walk on the beach, watch the beautiful sunset, walk through the dancing dunes, immerse yourself in the experience of a Wellness Massage…
What is important to us is that the client feels at ease and can surrender to the benefits of rest. We stand for a personal contact moment according to your wishes and everyone’s choice. We take you into a functional relaxation mode so that your body and mind can relax again in this special time with the necessary hectic.
Know that you are welcome… in Hotel De Zeeuwse Stromen & Strandpark De Zeeuwse Kust.
SEA you soon,
Giovanni & Mariƫlle Rijken